Simply bots?

There have been a few movies over the years suggesting that a video game might actually be controlling some kind of real world bot. I’ve wanted to do such things with VR. I was watching someone play a simulator game on YouTube and got to thinking that a place could be translated into game and a bot could copy the actions of the player, who might be in the back office, at home, or dealing with childcare or health issues. If the person was working the actual site, they would already have the training and know how from gameplay… And maybe the bots are an added feature?

Another idea was a work harness that both assisted with safe work movement and increased ability, but it could also move itself. Specifically it could move through a series of stretching and exercise activities that would also limber up the user at the beginning of a shift.

The simulator games mentioned before tended to be retail, some number of expected but random actions. Jobs that are more routine could still be a simple bot like we have now. The AI bots some are working on might be a fun goal, but the parts could be developed as prosthetics or body operating externally as described right now.